Saturday, July 31, 2010

Food City: Belucci's

It won’t come as a surprise to you when I say I am a die-hard “foody”. I go around the city in search for the next cool and quaint and sometimes weird places to eat at in my side of the town. And by town I mean the neighboring cities in manila (so as you can see, proximity is never really an issue when it comes to food). A gastronomic adventure won’t be complete without a full army of people who shares the same sentiments. In my case, I have Robee and AL - my cohorts in my appetizing expeditions. LOL.
Literally speaking, I live in between Manila and Quezon City. I even have trouble classifying myself if I am from one or the other. So anyway, I pass by Balete drive a few dozen times in a month. I happen to come across this tucked restaurant almost too small to see from my driving lane. So I stopped my car and tried to see if a restaurant does in fact exist there. Their signage that people can barely read doesn’t help either. It was right behind Secret Oven , a cafĂ© I’ve been meaning to check out for so long. So in all “foody” fashion, I decided to dine there with Al. 
The place looks relatively new,although I would love for them to rethink their whole design for the place. All the chairs excluding the big couch, lacked character and looked like the chairs I would see in a fast food place. At this point, I was already kind of regretting why I came. The menu looked severely simple and you can actually feel the forced Italian veneer. We ordered the seafood pasta and the lots-of-meat pizza paired with red iced tea.
surprisingly, the food was OK. the seafood pasta was delicious although it was too dry and lacked color for my taste. it made us wonder if the other pasta options were a lot better. the pizza was good too, in it's own mediocre kind of way. for me,i 'd enjoy pizza as long as it's THIN CRUST. so there you go. we might go back soon to try their other options and maybe give them a second chance at life. LOL.
bottom line, if you want to be in seclusion with someone, this place may actually work for you. and it's CHEAP. sankapa! hahaha. the service was great as well that's why we gave them 2 and 1/2 stars over-all!

Friday, July 23, 2010

i keep things

I never really understood “taking responsibility” when I was little. That was when my mom asked me to buy my own school supplies for the opening of 4th grade. It was my first time being handed on a task that I have to execute without her guidance. I wasn’t really scared of the thought of being alone; the sheer number of choices was what I was worried about. How many books? And should I buy them all in the same color? Can I buy a pen now or should I just stick with pencils? I looked at her with a slight of wonderment why she couldn’t walk me through the school supply section; possibly asking me if I liked Barbie or Barney crayons… in other words, I was stressed for the first time in my life. As I look back on it, it seemed as if she wanted me to figure it out on my own with the undeniable risk of failure. Even almost to the point of her wanting me to fail so she could correct me. Truth is, I didn’t want to fail and more so, I never want to be corrected. I no longer remember how I went about with my mom’s delegation nor how she had probably reacted to all the unnecessary supplies did I pull out from national bookstore. At that time, I guess it was easier letting my mom decide on a lot of things for me; from school supplies, to fashion and even hairstyle – I’d rather have her worry about that. Fast forward 12 years, I am 22 now and am bombarded by both of my parents by their expectations of who I should be and what I should be doing in my life right now. I guess things never really get easier as kids grow older. Kids create a mind of their own and their desires for independence poison their minds like cancer cells. If it were the case, I’d already be in stage 4. LOL. I’ve always thought of it (independence) as a long shot. Every day, I wish everything was different. if only I could tell them that I can handle things on my own now. That I’ll be perfectly fine with the decisions I make. Failure will always hurt, but at least I’m trying my best. To tell them that I am not as conventional as the other kids; and that I don’t mind living on my own; that I want to live and breathe art, music and literature! Tell them that I want to travel the world just so I can reach and feed hungry kids! That I want to write for a living, I don’t even care how much I make. Tell them that this is my life and this is how I want to live it.

Yeah, I’d tell them all of that. If only they’d ask me.
Until then, I might as well keep mum about it. And keep these dreams to myself.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

about the blog

So basically, I’ve been doing blogs in the past and I’ve been terrible at updating it as much as I should have. I blame it entirely on the academics; I can’t exactly drop out of school and become a professional blogger now can I? LMAO. Kidding aside, I really feel that at this time in my life I should just shut up and start typing. ‘cos I easily forget a great deal of “AH-HAAH!” moments in my life simply because I fail to write them down or share it with people. This way all the sense that comes out of my mouth is actually being documented down in cyber space (thank you blogspot). Right now, I am venturing out from the archaic Friendster blog era (thank god) and see whether I go somewhere with this. I should tell you that this will start out as a project to see whether I do please a certain number of readers out there. And this is the part wherein you ask me: “so, what’s in it for me april? If I read your blog and all”. I honestly don’t know, cos there ain’t nothing in it for me as well. HAHAHA. Let’s just say, expect everything from the typical to the weird; from the dull to the lively; from the fact and the occasional exaggeration – that sums it all I guess. As much as I hope my future entries can suffice what I just said, no one can really please everyone. Let’s just say if you wish to see what I've been up to or you have a few minutes of “stalker” time to spare then why in the world shouldn't you read my blog?? I think I’ve said everything I have to say. i hope i didn't scare you.