So basically, I’ve been doing blogs in the past and I’ve been terrible at updating it as much as I should have. I blame it entirely on the academics; I can’t exactly drop out of school and become a professional blogger now can I? LMAO. Kidding aside, I really feel that at this time in my life I should just shut up and start typing. ‘cos I easily forget a great deal of “AH-HAAH!” moments in my life simply because I fail to write them down or share it with people. This way all the sense that comes out of my mouth is actually being documented down in cyber space (thank you blogspot). Right now, I am venturing out from the archaic Friendster blog era (thank god) and see whether I go somewhere with this. I should tell you that this will start out as a project to see whether I do please a certain number of readers out there. And this is the part wherein you ask me: “so, what’s in it for me april? If I read your blog and all”. I honestly don’t know, cos there ain’t nothing in it for me as well. HAHAHA. Let’s just say, expect everything from the typical to the weird; from the dull to the lively; from the fact and the occasional exaggeration – that sums it all I guess. As much as I hope my future entries can suffice what I just said, no one can really please everyone. Let’s just say if you wish to see what I've been up to or you have a few minutes of “stalker” time to spare then why in the world shouldn't you read my blog?? I think I’ve said everything I have to say. i hope i didn't scare you.
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