Friday, July 22, 2011

when I least expect it

Hello there. This month has been a whirlwind of surprises. July has been soo complicated lately, certainly my most complicated month thus far in 2011. For one, I met a guy who turned out to be such a drama (king?) – I mean seriously, over possessiveness is such a turn off, even for a girl. To say that I am a girl is somewhat true. Contrary to popular belief however, I still do have a feminine side in me. It’s just that I really don’t act like one 50% of the time; my closest friends can attest to that. This was my first ever test drive on how the dating scene is like here – not that I date around when I was in the Philippines, I don’t really (that sounds overly defensive of me but I never date around, at all really). Seriously though, there is nothing wrong in trying and getting to know people in the context of friendship right? I guess I was “exploring” a friendship with this guy and turned out we were never really that compatible – even as friends. But it was a nice experience over all, no regrets. When I finish compiling the chronicles of my life in New York, I’ll probably dedicate one chapter of it to this guy; and rightfully name it “the Lorenzo”. LOL. Yes, that is his name and yes, he is Italian – the fake kind. LOL.
Moving on to more exciting news, I never shared to you that I have been desiring to pursue a masters degree in New York. A graduate certificate course is a far cry from the benefits you get with a masters degree; and so after all the yearning and discerning I have finally made up my mind and accepted the fact that God as well wants me to continue on in the hopes of becoming America’s next top model – LOL JOKE, I’m kidding! What I really meant is the masters program (although plus size modeling sounds very promising too, HAHA!). Anyway, this also means I have until December of 2012 to complete my degree. I am staying longer after all. I give all the credit to God, I never expected any of this to happen to me and for that I am eternally grateful to all those who prayed for me for these passed weeks. My parents have been extremely supportive and I just feel very blessed to be granted an opportunity as unexpected and as great as this. This has been a very humbling experience since I really feel that I truly don’t deserve all of this. These are the times when you just have to take a step back and absorb everything in. one thing is certain; I would not trade it for anything. And the last but not least, one more unexpected turn this week was when I received a call from the Biggest and greatest non-profit organization in the world… scroll down to see the pictures. Just when I’ve given up all hope, an invitation comes up. God, why art thou so great?
some photos of the highlights of my week, mostly are from UNICEF

and in case you were wondering how he looks like; well this really does not help. my only photo of him and its blurred. sorry :(

"In the state of love, we can soar to that higher state where everything stays clear and still like the stars above the sky." - Oliver M

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