Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dear Autumn

Did I mention that I'm a part-time loner? I go on dates with myself just to exhaust some form of “solitary creativity”, if you will. I enjoy it, very much so actually. I get to watch people as they watch people; be a complete stranger to everyone around; I get to sit and actually listen to my thoughts. It’s therapy after a weeklong of work and school (and other stuff in between). Being alone is very liberating and depressing to some extent... HAHA.This time I went to central park, I've been planning out this date with myself for quite some time now; I wonder why it took me this long? Anyhoo, I wanted to take snap shots of the autumn hues – incredibly breathtaking by the way; went to the high line and marveled at New York’s nightly silhouette; and finally made time to visit ground zero.

" Falling leaves hide the path so quietly "
- John Bailey

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